The abstract will be used by the Scientific Committee as the sole basis for acceptance of the paper for presentation. Thus, the abstract should clearly communicate the new and significant results that have been obtained. Time and effort spent constructing a clear, concise, and well-written abstract will maximize the chances of paper acceptance.
Abstracts should clearly state:
Prof. Dr. Ersin Kayahan (Chair)
e-mail: chair@interphotonics.org
1) The page should be A4 (210 X 297 mm) with margins of 1 in or 2.5 cm on all edges
2) Font used must be “Times New Roman” and its size must be 18 pt bold for title
3) Font used must be “Times New Roman” and its size must be 9 pt for abstract text
4) The text page should include the authors' names, address, affiliation, telephone number, and email address (“Times New Roman” 10 pt)
5) The total number of words in the main text should not exceed 250.